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Ideal cylindrical cloak: Perfect but sensitive to tiny perturbations阮智超,Yan M,Neff CW,Qiu M2007PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS
Imaging pancreatic cancer using surface-functionalized quantum dots钱骏,何赛灵2007JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY B
Channel-spacing-tunable multi-wavelength fiber ring laser with hybrid Raman and erbium-doped fiber gains陈达如,秦山,何赛灵2007OPTICS EXPRESS
Short cavity single frequency fiber laser for in-situ sensing applications over a wide temperature range沈永行2007OPTICS EXPRESS
Point spread function characteristics analysis of the wavefront coding system张文字,叶子,赵廷玉,陈燕平,余飞鸿2007OPTICS EXPRESS
Ray aberrations analysis for phase plates illuminated by off-axis collimated beams张文字,叶子,陈燕平,赵廷玉,余飞鸿2007OPTICS EXPRESS
Double-control quantum interferences in a four-level atomic system沈建其,张朴2007OPTICS EXPRESS
An improved Monte Carlo diffusion hybrid model for light reflectance by turbid media罗斌,何赛灵2007OPTICS EXPRESS
Birefringence compensated AWG demultiplexer with angled star couplers郎婷婷,何建军,邝井国,何赛灵2007OPTICS EXPRESS
Roughness-induced radiation losses in optical micro or nanofibers翟高叶,童利民2007OPTICS EXPRESS
Crossing and branching nodes in soft-lithography-based optical interconnects倪玮,吴竞,吴兴坤2007OPTICS EXPRESS
A broad-angle polarization beam splitter based on a simple dielectric periodic structure张渊,蒋玉蓉,薛伟,何赛灵2007OPTICS EXPRESS
Highly efficient fluorescence of a fluorescing nanoparticle with a silver shell陈文学,Wallace C. Choy,何赛灵,P. C. Chui2007OPTICS EXPRESS
Efficient optical modeling of spontaneous emission in a cylindrically layered nanostructure陈文学,Choy WCH,何赛灵2007OPTICS EXPRESS
Nanosecond switching of fiber Bragg gratings郁张维,Margulis W.,Tarasenko O.,Knape H.,Fonjallaz P.Y.2007OPTICS EXPRESS
Microfiber knot dye laser based on the evanescent-wave-coupled gain姜校顺,Song Qinghai,XU Li,符建,童利民2007APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS
Demonstration of critical coupling in microfiber loops wrapped around a copper rod郭欣,李宇航,姜校顺,童利民2007APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS
Slow electromagnetic wave guided in subwavelength region along one-dimensional periodically structured metal surface阮智超,仇旻2007APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS
Transient evolutional behaviours of double-control electromagnetically induced transparency沈建其2007NEW JOURNAL OF PHYSICS
Lensless imaging with partially coherent light (vol 32, pg 205, 2007)蔡阳健 ,王飞2007OPTICS LETTERS
Prediction of multichannel polarization-entangled photon pairs in a single periodically poled lithium niobate with a monochromatic pump高士明,杨昌喜2007OPTICS LETTERS
All-fiber add-drop filters based on microfiber knot resonators姜校顺,陈圆,GV,童利民2007OPTICS LETTERS
Enhanced superprism effect based on positive/negative lateral shift of reflective beam in a Fabry-Perot filter刘旭,孙雪铮,顾培夫2007OPTICS LETTERS
Phase conjugating mirror combining a fused silica rod and a fiber汪莎,陈军,童立新,高清松,刘崇,唐淳2007OPTICS LETTERS
Wide viewing angle skewed effect of the point spread function in a wavefront coding system赵廷玉,叶子,张文字,陈燕平,余飞鸿2007OPTICS LETTERS
Lensless imaging with partially coherent light蔡阳健,王飞2007OPTICS LETTERS
Scintillation index of elliptical Gaussian beam in turbulent atmosphere蔡阳健,陈云天,Eyyuboglu HT,Baykal Y2007OPTICS LETTERS
Subwavelength focusing with a multilayered Fabry-Perot structure at optical frequencies李璇,何赛灵,金毅2007PHYSICAL REVIEW B
Reply to "Comment on ''Negative refractive index in gyrotropically magnetoelectric media''"沈建其2007PHYSICAL REVIEW B
Canalization for subwavelength focusing by a slab of dielectric photonic crystal金毅,何赛灵2007PHYSICAL REVIEW B
Dimension-sensitive optical responses of electromagnetically induced transparency vapor in a waveguide沈建其,何赛灵2007PHYSICAL REVIEW A
Properties of CdSe quantum dots coated with silica fabricated in a facile way廖宇峰,李文江,何赛灵2007NANOTECHNOLOGY
Ultrasmall overlapped arrayed-waveguide grating, based on Si nanowire waveguides for dense wavelength division demultiplexing戴道锌,何赛灵2007IEEE JOURNAL OF SELECTED TOPICS IN QUANTUM ELECTRONICS
Deeply etched SiO2 ridge waveguide for sharp bends戴道锌,时尧成,何赛灵2007JOURNAL OF LIGHTWAVE TECHNOLOGY
Improve channel uniformity of an Si-nanowire AWG demultiplexer by using dual-tapered auxiliary waveguides盛 振,戴道锌,何赛灵2007JOURNAL OF LIGHTWAVE TECHNOLOGY
Highly birefringent elliptical-hole photonic crystal fibers with double defect陈达如,沈林放2007JOURNAL OF LIGHTWAVE TECHNOLOGY
Coherence multiplexing of distributed sensors based on pairs of fiber Bragg gratings of low reflectivity管祖光,陈达如,何赛灵2007JOURNAL OF LIGHTWAVE TECHNOLOGY
State-space analysis of cardiac motion with biomechanical constraints刘华锋,施鹏程2007IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON IMAGE PROCESSING
Etched diffraction grating demultiplexers with large free-spectral range and large grating facets宋军,朱凝,何建军,何赛灵2007IEEE PHOTONICS TECHNOLOGY LETTERS
Novel ultracompact triplexer based on photonic crystal waveguides时尧成,戴道锌,何赛灵2007IEEE PHOTONICS TECHNOLOGY LETTERS
Optical refractive-index sensor based on dual fiber-Bragg gratings interposed with a multimode-fiber taper邵理阳,张阿平,刘伟升,付宏燕,何赛灵2007IEEE PHOTONICS TECHNOLOGY LETTERS
Surface plasmon Bragg gratings formed in metal-insulator-metal waveguides韩张华,爱立克,何赛灵2007IEEE PHOTONICS TECHNOLOGY LETTERS
Ultrahigh bireffingent photonic crystal fiber with ultralow confinement loss陈达如,沈林放,何赛灵2007IEEE PHOTONICS TECHNOLOGY LETTERS
Proposal for Q-modulated semiconductor laser何建军2007IEEE PHOTONICS TECHNOLOGY LETTERS
A minimized SiO2 waveguide with an antiresonant reflecting structure for large-scale optical integrations戴道锌,胡睿,何赛灵2007IEEE PHOTONICS TECHNOLOGY LETTERS
Quasi-distributed absorption sensing system based on a coherent multiplexing technique管祖光,周斌,刘国荣,何赛灵2007IEEE PHOTONICS TECHNOLOGY LETTERS
Proposal for an ultracompact polarization-beam splitter based on a photonic-crystal-assisted multimode interference coupler时尧成,戴道锌,何赛灵2007IEEE PHOTONICS TECHNOLOGY LETTERS
Polarization-insensitive ultrasmall microring resonator design based on optimized Si sandwich nanowires王喆超,戴道锌,何赛灵2007IEEE PHOTONICS TECHNOLOGY LETTERS
Effect of host polymer on microfiber resonator范固廉,李宇航,童利民2007IEEE PHOTONICS TECHNOLOGY LETTERS
Direct detection of direct optically filtered millimeter-wave signals郁张维,Djupsjobacka A,Popov M,Fonjallaz PY2007IEEE PHOTONICS TECHNOLOGY LETTERS
High-resolution strain and temperature sensor based on distributed Bragg reflector fiber laser邵理阳,Dong XY,张阿平,Tam HY,何赛灵2007IEEE PHOTONICS TECHNOLOGY LETTERS
Comprehensive analysis and optimal design of top-emitting organic light-emitting devices陈学文,Choy, WCH ,何赛灵, Chui, PC  2007JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS
Two-colour atom guide and 1D optical lattice using evanescent fields of high-order transverse modes符建,殷响,童利民2007JOURNAL OF PHYSICS B-ATOMIC MOLECULAR AND OPTICAL PHYSICS
Strong resonant coupling of surface plasmon polaritons to radiation modes through a thin metal slab with dielectric gratings申溯,爱立克,韩张华,何赛灵2007JOURNAL OF THE OPTICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA A-OPTICS IMAGE SCIENCE AND VISION
Thermal decay characteristics of strong fiber Bragg gratings showing high-temperature sustainability沈永行2007JOURNAL OF THE OPTICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA B-OPTICAL PHYSICS
Rigorous analysis of the spatial dispersion effect in multilayer thin-film coatings李明宇,刘旭,张锦龙,马欣,孙雪铮,厉以宇,顾培夫2007JOURNAL OF THE OPTICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA A-OPTICS IMAGE SCIENCE AND VISION
Experimental observation of fractional Fourier transform for a partially coherent optical beam with Gaussian statistics王飞,蔡阳健2007JOURNAL OF THE OPTICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA A-OPTICS IMAGE SCIENCE AND VISION
Study of thermal dynamics of defatted bovine serum albumin in D2O solution by Fourier transform infrared spectra and evolving factor analysis袁波,Murayama Koichi,严惠民2007APPLIED SPECTROSCOPY
Physiome-model-based state-space framework for cardiac deformation recovery刘华锋,Wang Ken2007ACADEMIC RADIOLOGY
Negative permeability in a Lambda-type three-level atomic vapor沈建其2007APPLIED PHYSICS A-MATERIALS SCIENCE & PROCESSING
Comparative study of the integration density for passive linear planar light-wave circuits based on three different kinds of nanophotonic waveguide戴道锌,时尧成,何赛灵2007APPLIED OPTICS
Simulation of the inhomogeneous medium with a self-adapting grid邓诗涛,李晓彤,岑兆丰2007APPLIED OPTICS
Design and fabrication of a novel reflection filter孙雪铮,顾培夫,沈伟东,刘旭,王颖,章岳光2007APPLIED OPTICS
Two-dimensional model for three-dimensional index-guided multimode plasmonic waveguides and the design of ultrasmall multimode interference splitters韩张华,何赛灵2007APPLIED OPTICS
Modeling of evanescent coupling between two parallel optical nanowires黄克己,杨双阳,童利民2007APPLIED OPTICS
Fabrication of c-axis oriented potassium-doped Sr0.6Ba0.4Nb2O6 thin films on Si substrates by pulsed laser deposition method沈智如,叶辉2007THIN SOLID FILMS
Modeling and numerical study of electrical characteristics of polymer light-emitting diodes containing an insulating buffer layer朱德喜,叶辉,高君,刘旭2007THIN SOLID FILMS
The dependence of linearly polarized diffuse backscattering patterns on the particle size of turbid media王凌,黎明,徐之海,冯华君2007JOURNAL OF OPTICS A-PURE AND APPLIED OPTICS
Study of a deformable micro-mirror based on PZT films张巍,娄迪,白剑,叶辉,杨国光2007JOURNAL OF OPTICS A-PURE AND APPLIED OPTICS
Performance results of BGO block detectors based on flat panel PS-PMT for PET刘华锋,赵强,施鹏程2007IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON NUCLEAR SCIENCE
Simultaneous negative permittivity and permeability in a coherent atomic vapour沈建其2007CHINESE PHYSICS
Three-dimensional hybrid modeling based on a beam propagation method and a diffraction formula for an AWG demultiplexer戴道锌,刘柳,何赛灵2007OPTICS COMMUNICATIONS
Design of a compact multimode interference coupler based on deeply-etched SiO2 ridge waveguides时尧成,戴道锌2007OPTICS COMMUNICATIONS
Highly-sensitive sensor with large measurement range realized with two cascaded-microring resonators戴道锌,何赛灵2007OPTICS COMMUNICATIONS
A tunable and reconfigurable microwave photonic filter based on a Raman fiber laser欧海燕,付宏燕,陈达如,何赛灵2007OPTICS COMMUNICATIONS
Multimode interference effect in plasmonic subwavelength waveguides and an ultra-compact power splitter韩张华,何赛灵2007OPTICS COMMUNICATIONS
Modified hollow Gaussian beam and its paraxial propagation蔡阳健,陈驰一,王飞2007OPTICS COMMUNICATIONS
Modeling of nanoparticle-induced Rayleigh-Gans scattering for nanofiber optical sensing王姗姗,潘欣云,童利民2007OPTICS COMMUNICATIONS
Gaussian profile laser intensification by nodular defects in mid-infrared high reflectance coatings王颖,章岳光,刘旭,陈为兰,顾培夫2007OPTICS COMMUNICATIONS
Propagation of Bessel and Bessel-Gaussian beams through an unapertured or apertured misaligned paraxial optical systems蔡阳健,吕翔2007OPTICS COMMUNICATIONS
Microscopic scattering imaging measurement and digital evaluation system of defects for fine optical surface刘东,杨甬英,王琳,卓永模,陆春华,杨李茗,李瑞洁2007OPTICS COMMUNICATIONS
Measurement of transient near-infrared laser pulse wavefront with high precision by radial shearing interferometer刘东,杨甬英,翁俊淼,张小民,陈波,秦兴武2007OPTICS COMMUNICATIONS
Lensless digital holography with short-coherence light source for three-dimensional surface contouring of reflecting micro-object袁操今,翟洪琛,王晓雷,吴兰2007OPTICS COMMUNICATIONS
Negative refraction of complex lattices of dielectric cylinders金毅,何赛灵2007PHYSICS LETTERS A
Analytical formula for a circular flattened Gaussian beam propagating through a misaligned paraxial ABCD optical system胡黎,蔡阳健2007PHYSICS LETTERS A
Effect of weld clip design on thermally induced angular misalignment in laser welding based optoelectronic packaging楼歆晔,吴竞,吴兴坤2007SENSORS AND ACTUATORS A-PHYSICAL
Negative refraction and quantum vacuum effects in gyroelectric chiral medium and anisotropic magnetoelectric material沈建其2007ANNALEN DER PHYSIK
Local field contribution to the optical properties of multilevel coherent atomic media沈建其,何赛灵2007ANNALEN DER PHYSIK
The multi-staged formation process of titanium oxide nanotubes and its thermal stability李文江,付涛,谢菲,余少峰,何赛灵2007MATERIALS LETTERS
Controlling the photonic bandgap structures via manipulation of refractive index of electromagnetically induced transparency vapor沈建其2007ACTA PHYSICA SINICA
Reflected Gaussian beam splitting phenomenon in the thin-film Fabry-Perot filter李明宇,刘旭,张锦龙,马欣,厉以宇,孙雪铮,顾培夫2007ACTA PHYSICA SINICA
Study on the mechanism and measurement of stress of TiO2 and SiO2 thin-films顾培夫,郑臻荣,赵永江,刘旭2007ACTA PHYSICA SINICA
Numerical analysis of thermal response of mid-infrared high reflectance coating under different laser irradiation angles王颖,刘旭,章岳光,顾培夫,厉以宇,李明宇2007ACTA PHYSICA SINICA
Momentum transfer at quantum-vacuum level inside an anisotropic magnetoelectric medium沈建其2007ACTA PHYSICA SINICA
Analysis of self-collimation and subwavelength imaging in one-dimensional metal-dielectric structure张锦龙,刘旭,厉以宇,李明宇,顾培夫2007ACTA PHYSICA SINICA
Performance evaluation of the microPET system高飞,刘华锋,施鹏程2007ACTA PHYSICA SINICA
Analysis of laser intensification by nodular defects in mid-infrared high reflectance coatings王颖,章岳光,刘旭,陈为兰,厉以宇2007ACTA PHYSICA SINICA
Widely tunable optical parametric oscillators base on periodically poled MgO doped LiNbO3吴波,蔡双双,沈剑威,沈永行2007ACTA PHYSICA SINICA
Three-dimensional surface contouring of reflecting micro-object by digital holography with short-coherence light source袁操今,翟洪琛,王晓雷,吴兰2007ACTA PHYSICA SINICA
Wavelength-spacing tunable multi-wavelength erbium-doped fiber laser incorporating a semiconductor optical amplifier陈达如,欧海燕,付宏燕,秦山,高士明2007LASER PHYSICS LETTERS
Switchable and tunable Erbium-doped fiber ring laser incorporating a birefringent and highly nonlinear photonic crystal fiber陈达如,沈林放2007LASER PHYSICS LETTERS
Novel microwave photonic filter based on a mode-locked fiber laser陈达如,付宏燕,何赛灵2007LASER PHYSICS LETTERS
Negative Goos-Hanchen effect in thin-film Fabry-Perot filter李明宇,刘旭,马欣,厉以宇,顾培夫2007CHINESE PHYSICS LETTERS
Possible approach to improve sensitivity of a Michelson interferometer符建2007CHINESE PHYSICS LETTERS
Near-field characterization of optical micro/nanofibres马哲,王姗姗,杨青,童利民2007CHINESE PHYSICS LETTERS
Wavelength detection of coherence-multiplexed fiber-optic sensors based on long-period grating pairs管祖光,张阿平,何赛灵,LIAO R2007IEEE SENSORS JOURNAL
Simultaneous measurement of refractive index and temperature by using dual long-period gratings with an etching process严金华,张阿平,邵理阳,丁金妃,何赛灵2007IEEE SENSORS JOURNAL
Wavelength-spacing continuously tunable multiwavelength erbium-doped fibre laser based on DSF and MZI陈达如,秦山,高莹,高士明2007ELECTRONICS LETTERS
Reproduction of a computer-generated hologram with a white light source and liquid crystal device张晓洁,刘旭,李海峰2007OPTICAL ENGINEERING
Ultrahigh-performance lamp illumination system with compound parabolic retroreflector for a single liquid-crystal-on-silicon panel display甄艳坤,叶子,余飞鸿2007OPTICAL ENGINEERING
Tapered-fiber phase conjugator with high stability and high reflectivity used for master-oscillator power amplifier systems刘崇,陈军,周涛,葛剑虹2007OPTICAL ENGINEERING
Thermal dynamics of bovine serum albumin (BSA) studied with infrared spectroscopy and evolving factor analysis袁波,严惠民2007JOURNAL OF INFRARED AND MILLIMETER WAVES
Phenomenon of human meridian and its time correlation based on infrared thermal imaging杨洪钦,谢树森,胡翔龙,陈丽,李晖,陆祖康2007JOURNAL OF INFRARED AND MILLIMETER WAVES
Multispectral color sensor based on vertically stacked structure陈远,徐之海,冯华君2007SPECTROSCOPY AND SPECTRAL ANALYSIS
Research on temperature distribution of combustion flames based on high dynamic range imaging赵惠,冯华君2007OPTICS AND LASER TECHNOLOGY
Wavelength-spacing continuously tunable multi-wavelength SOA-fiber ring laser based on Mach-Zehnder interferometer陈达如,付宏燕,欧海燕,秦山2007OPTICS AND LASER TECHNOLOGY
Widely tunable high power OPO based on a periodically poled MgO doped lithium niobate crystal吴波,沈永行,蔡双双2007OPTICS AND LASER TECHNOLOGY
Analysis method of the effect of fabrication errors on a planar waveguide demultiplexer宋军,朱凝,何赛灵2007OPTICAL AND QUANTUM ELECTRONICS
Time-spreading wavelength-hopping 2D-OCDMA system with optical hard limiter万盛鹏,何赛灵,Yu Hu2007OPTIK
Tunable and injection-switchable erbium-doped fiber laser of line structure陈达如,秦山,郁张维,何赛灵2007MICROWAVE AND OPTICAL TECHNOLOGY LETTERS
Tunable flat-top fiber Bragg grating filters fabricated in hydrogen-loaded graded-index multimode fibers付宏燕,刘伟升,邵理阳,何赛灵2007MICROWAVE AND OPTICAL TECHNOLOGY LETTERS
Reconfigurable multiwavelength erbium-doped fiber laser using two multimode fiber Bragg gratings严金华,付宏燕,何赛灵2007MICROWAVE AND OPTICAL TECHNOLOGY LETTERS
A simple method for simultaneous measurement of the tilt angle and temperature严金华,何赛灵2007MICROWAVE AND OPTICAL TECHNOLOGY LETTERS
A diamond-like vertical monopole antenna for ultra-wideband communicationKhan, SN,凌啼,胡骏,何赛灵2007MICROWAVE AND OPTICAL TECHNOLOGY LETTERS
Continuously tunable incoherent microwave photonic filter using a tunable Mach-Zehnder interferometer as the slicing filter付宏燕,陈达如,欧海燕,何赛灵2007MICROWAVE AND OPTICAL TECHNOLOGY LETTERS
Design of a novel Wilkinson power sputter based on the left-handed transmission line胡骏,熊江,凌啼,邹勇卓2007MICROWAVE AND OPTICAL TECHNOLOGY LETTERS
A compact ultra-wideband slot antenna with multiple notch frequency bands丁婕琛,林志立,应志农,何赛灵2007MICROWAVE AND OPTICAL TECHNOLOGY LETTERS
Novel Wilkinson power divider based on left-handed transmission lines李九生,邹勇卓2007MICROWAVE AND OPTICAL TECHNOLOGY LETTERS
Bandpass filter using composite right/left-handed transmission lines李九生2007MICROWAVE AND OPTICAL TECHNOLOGY LETTERS
Cardiac nonrigid motion analysis from image sequences刘华锋2007PROGRESS IN NATURAL SCIENCE
State space approach for joint estimation of activity and attenuation map from PET emission sinograms刘华锋2007PROGRESS IN NATURAL SCIENCE
Joint segmentation and motion estimation of left ventricle with an anisotropic biomechanical model庄玲,刘华锋,鲍虎军2007PROGRESS IN NATURAL SCIENCE
Single-longitudinal-mode erbium-doped fiber laser based on a fiber Bragg grating Fabry-Perot filter陈达如,付宏艳,刘伟升2007LASER PHYSICS
Microfiber resonator in polymer matrix范固廉,李宇航,童利民2007IEICE TRANSACTIONS ON ELECTRONICS
Bandwidth enhancement methods of telecom-region entangled twin photons via quasi-phase-matched spontaneous parametric down-conversion高士明2007JOURNAL OF NONLINEAR OPTICAL PHYSICS & MATERIALS
Development of a new gamma-ray detector for PEM applications赵强,田毅,刘华锋2007HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS AND NUCLEAR PHYSICS-CHINESE EDITION
Performance measurement of broadband, wide-angle polarizing beam splitter陈卫斌,郑臻荣,顾培夫,章岳光2007JOURNAL OF ZHEJIANG UNIVERSITY-SCIENCE A
Capillary method for measuring near-infrared spectra of microlitre volume liquids袁波,严惠民2007JOURNAL OF ZHEJIANG UNIVERSITY-SCIENCE A
Stable multi-wavelength erbium-doped fiber laser based on a photonic crystal fiber Sagnac loop filter陈达如2007LASER PHYSICS LETTERS
Seidel aberration of left-handed media lens systems林志立2007ACTA PHYSICA SINICA
A new class of negative refractive index transmission line胡鑫,何赛灵2007JOURNAL OF ZHEJIANG UNIVERSITY-SCIENCE A
A new broadband differential phase shifter fabricated using a novel CRLH structure邹勇卓,林志立,凌啼,姚军,何赛灵2007JOURNAL OF ZHEJIANG UNIVERSITY-SCIENCE A
Add/drop multiplexing and TDM signal transmission in an optical CDMA ring network陈彪,郭昌建,陈佳佳,张灵箭,江琼,何赛灵2007JOURNAL OF OPTICAL NETWORKING
Analysis of protection schemes in PON compatible with smooth migration from TDM-PON to hybrid WDM/TDM-PON陈佳佳,Wosinska L2007JOURNAL OF OPTICAL NETWORKING
Simple PSF based method for pupil phase mask''s optimization in wavefront coding system张文字,陈燕平,赵廷玉,叶子,余飞鸿2007JOURNAL OF ZHEJIANG UNIVERSITY-SCIENCE A