

 图一 熔石英样品损伤概率和表面形貌
           图二 照明结构对比图                                                  图三 不同照明条件下得到的缺陷图像
图四 滤波算法后结果
We studied both theoretically and experimentally the additional loss in photonic crystal fiber (PCF) that results from inner surface imperfections such as contamination and the surface roughness of air holes. We estimated the modal loss dependence of these imperfections using a model with a “defective layer” for the first time. The theoretical studies suggest that higher order modes have a larger loss due to imperfections in the air holes. By minimizing the inner surface imperfections of the six innermost air holes, we can theoretically expect any additional loss to be reduced to a negligible level. Moreover, we examined our theoretical prediction experimentally. We fabricated few-mode PCFs by employing a suitable inner surface treatment for just the six innermost holes. As expected theoretically, the transmission loss was greatly reduced by employing these processes. The lowest transmission losses in the 1550 nm band were 0.31 dB/km for the LP01 mode and 0.43 dB/km for the LP11 mode. Our theoretical model will be useful with a view to realizing few-mode PCF with a loss comparable to that of conventional fibers.
The modulus of the degree of coherence can be derived from interference patterns either by using fringes and next neighbour operations or by using several interferograms produced through phase shifting. Here the latter approach will be followed by using a lateral shearing interferometer exploiting a diffractive grating wedge providing a linearly progressive shear. Phase shifting methods offer pixel-oriented evaluations but suffer from instabilities and drifts which is the reason for the derivation of an error immune algorithm. This algorithm will use five π/2-steps of the reference phase also for the calculation of the modulus of the coherence function.
Plenoptic cameras enable the capture of a light field with a single device. However, with traditional light field rendering procedures, they can provide only low-resolution two-dimensional images. Super-resolution is considered to overcome this drawback. In this study, we present a superresolution method for the defocused plenoptic camera (Plenoptic 1.0), where the imaging system is modeled using wave optics principles and utilizing low-resolution depth information of the scene. We are particularly interested in super-resolution of in-focus and near in-focus scene regions, which constitute the most challenging cases. The simulation results show that the employed wave-optics model makes super-resolution possible for such regions as long as sufficiently accurate depth information is available.
A novel sensing method is proposed for wavelength scanning interferometry using multiple tunable light sources. As it is well known, a deterioration of depth resolution usually occurs when multiple phase intervals, corresponding to the multiple tunable light sources, are used for distance measurement purposes. It is shown here, that it is possible to regain depth resolution characteristics of a complete scan by means of a temporal phase unwrapping extrapolation method. With the proposed method, the resulting phase differences among multiple phase intervals can be successfully unwrapped to find out the intermediate phase. This effectively allows the application of whole-scan phase sensing for distance measurement using reduced scanning intervals, increased speed, and improved depth detection.
