SPIE 主席 Dr. Ralph B. James 和CEO Dr. Eugene Arthurs报告和其他一系列学术报告的通知(更新)



SPIE 主席 Dr. Ralph B. James 和CEO Dr. Eugene Arthurs将于周一下午访问我系,在以下两个学术报告结束后4:00左右为我系师生作报告,欢迎各位老师,同学参加!


报告人:Dr. Dan-Xia Xu Institute for Microstructural Sciences, National Research Council Canada, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, K1A 0R6 Email: Danxia.Xu@nrc-cnrc.gc.ca
  时间地点:1213下午2:00-3;00,教三301 报告厅
报告题目及内容: Silicon photonic wire and subwavelength devices for biosensing and communications 
   Silicon photonic waveguides can be scaled down to submicron dimensions, due to the high refractive index of silicon. This scaling leads to single mode photonic wires that can guide light along bends with a radius of a few microns, and allow the interaction between light and matter being manipulated at the wavelength scale. Optical interconnects are envisioned to take advantage of these properties to form essential building blocks such as filters, demultiplexers, modulators and photodetectors. At this subwavelength scale, the waveguide optical properties are strongly modified by the surrounding materials. This behavior can be used for optical sensing applications, and silicon photonic wire sensors are the smallest and most sensitive label-free integrated molecular sensors reported. They are a serious contender for lab-on-a-chip technology by allowing real-time monitoring of a large number of sensors for pathogen detection, genomics, disease diagnostics and drug discovery. Optimized waveguide structures for sensing fall in the same dimensional range as that in components for interconnects and communications applications. Therefore the same high quality material supply, knowledge in photonic design, well-established CMOS fabrication technologies and facilities can be shared for all these applications. 
Here we review our work on the development of Si photonic wire components, including specific examples of components that are tailored as evanescent field biosensor arrays and ring resonator based filters for communications. Monitoring of biomolecular binding is demonstrated with a detection limit of 0.3 pg/mm2. On-chip temperature drift compensation is achieved by using a reference resonator. A novel grating coupler using subwavelength structures facilitates the coupling of light between the optical fiber and waveguide chips.
Dr. Dan-Xia Xu is a Senior Research Officer with the Optoelectronics Devices Group at the Institute for Microstructural Sciences, National Research Council Canada, and also an adjunct professor with the Department of Electronics, Carleton University. She received her Ph.D. degree from Linköping University of Sweden in 1991, from work on silicon-germanium HBTs and tunneling diodes. Since joining NRC, she initially worked on the fabrication and design of high speed SiGe HBTs, silicides for sub-micron VLSI, SiGe and silicide photodetectors, and later switched her research field to integrated optics. In 2001-2002 she was part of the research team at Optenia Inc. that successfully developed the first glass waveguide echelle grating demultiplexer. Her current research interests are in silicon photonics, particularly in ring resonators and other nanophotonic devices for biological sensing and optical communications, as well as polarization management of SOI components. She has authored over 250 scientific publications, including several book chapters, and holds 6 patents.
报告人:Srinivasan Anandthe Department of microelectronics and applied physics, Royal Institute of Technology (KTH),
时间地点:1213下午3:00-4;00,教三301 会议室
报告题目及内容: Nanostructured Semiconductor materials for photonics 
An overview of the group’s research on nanostructured semiconductor materials and nanoscale characterization techniques, with an emphasis on photonic/optoelectronic applications will be given. The rest of talk will focus on two-dimensional photonic crystals in InP-based materials and on (random) nanowires/pillars in different semiconductors. Fabrication of photonic crystals and nanopillars including process physics and material (electronic and optical) properties will be discussed. These fundamental investigations will be shown to have direct implications on the optical and electrical properties of nanostructured photonic devices, and also how materials can in principle be modified for specific applications. The optical characteristics of some selected photonic crystal devices/structures such as heterostructure waveguide filters, cavities and lasers will be presented. Experimental demonstration of band-structure engineered above-band gap phenomena such as negative refraction and auto-collimation will be reported. Finally we will address the formation of nanowires/pillars and the behavior of light in such media in the context of potential applications such as photovoltaics, LEDs and second-harmonic generation.
            Srinivasan Anand received his PhD degree in Physics in 1993 from the Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Mumbai and subsequently was a postdoctoral fellow at the Department of Solid state physics, Lund University, Lund, Sweden. In 1997 he joined the Department of microelectronics and applied physics, Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), where he is currently associate professor.
He has over 20 years of experience in the field of semiconductors including nanostructures and nano-structured materials. His expertise and current interests include physics of point defects in III-V materials; Photonic Crystals; Nano-structured (random) materials: for photo-voltaics, light emitting devices and biosensing; Semiconductor nano-structures including colloidal quantum dots; Nanofabrication methods : low-cost approaches, self-assembly, Ion-beam etching techniques; and Scanning probe based high resolution characterization techniques. In these fields he has authored or co-authored 168 publications in international journals and conferences (proceedings/abstracts). He is co-inventor on three patents. He is and has been the project leader of several national, Nordic and EU projects (as partner coordinator); and has an extensive network of collaborations both in academia and industry. He has given several invited talks at international conferences and has served on conference technical program committees. He is a reviewer for several international journals and for research agencies in the field of semiconductor physics and photonics, and related areas. He is extensively engaged in under-graduate, masters and post-graduate education.